Frequently Asked Questions
The website looks different, why?
We have launched a new website for you, our customer. This will allow us to offer a variety of different promotions and specials with better pricing options and deals. You will find it easier to navigate throughout the website during your shopping experience.
I tried logging in to my account with my email and password and it doesn’t work, why?
That email and password is no longer valid. You will need to create a new account, which we highly recommend. However, you can still checkout without creating an account if you prefer.
Do I have to create an account?
You are not required to create an account; however we highly recommend that you do.
How do I create an account?
You can easily create an account one of two ways:
- During checkout, and on the final checkout page where you input your payment information, check the box next to "Save my information for a faster checkout". You will receive an email with instructions for activating your account.
- Click on the account icon
at the top of the page and then select the Create Account button. Follow the online instructions to create your new account.
Will I have the option to save my address and credit card information on my account?
After you create an account you can add your shipping and billing addresses. These will be stored for easy access during your next checkout. We cannot store credit card information
How do I report a damaged, broken or missing item from an order submitted prior to June 26, 2017?
Simply email a photo of the damaged item/s to [email protected]. Please include the order number in which the item/s was purchased. Once the photo is received we will begin the replacement/refund process.
Will I have access to my orders submitted prior to June 26, 2017?
You are unable to access these orders. We will be happy to email a copy to you. Please email us at [email protected] with the date range or specific order number for which you need information.
Will you be selling items displayed as Sold Out in the future?
Yes we will. Many items have sold out but we are making items as quickly as we can. We will have all items currently displayed on the website for sale as soon as we can manufacture them.